Adam Barton at O'Reilly's Tattoo in Santa Cruz is going to be working on it.
I'm basically going to be getting a half sleeve on my left arm in black and grey. It's going to consist of a Peregrine Falcon perched up on an epic looking clock tower with a city in ruins in the background (think of the scene after the occurance of the 1755 earthquake in Lisbon).
I've scheduled two sessions so far. May 16th and then one in mid to late June (the 20th or 27th, its on my card which is in Santa Cruz!). Since he is booked until May, the only way I could start on it early is if someone cancels and I take their place! I have no problem waiting until May though.
On another note, my mom made a joke how they got me a diamond stud earing and then I joked back saying "I'll get my nose pierced and put it in!" My dad looked at me all crazy and was like "If you do anything more to your body then you aren't stepping into this house again." I LOL'd of course. Too bad you wont see my half sleeve until I graduate suckaaaaa.
Here is some work Adam has done:

Here is his site/blog:
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