Anyways, as I was walking to my back house through the yard from the big house I managed to hear two unfamiliar sounds which I could tell were song birds right off the back. I stood very still to see if I could get a glimpse of the two with my peripherals. Within seconds the two birds came into sight. They were definately birds I had never seen before. They had tannish sides with darker tarsus'/feet. One definately had a darker cap with two white stripes where as the other bird which wasn't as close could of had a gray cap with white (I later found out that the grey capped ones are females which wouldn't suprise me since they were hanging out as a pair). Anyways, I stared up at them for about 5 minutes listening to their beautiful calls until they dissapeared into redwood above although I could still hear their calls.
Later on I whiped out my bird guide and found out they were Red-Breasted Nuthatch's. I verified this by comparing this bird to others in terms of their song which I found online. Anyways, I think they were hanging out in and around the backyard for awhile because I saw them again through a window in the big house while writing an essay. It felt great. Life felt great in general today.
That's my blog for the night. I should be posting this on my livejournal or something... which I rarely post on. I'm out of control, 3 blogs in one day. Jeeeeez.
P.S. Here is a picture of a Red-Breasted Nuthatch!
Have you seen the Golden Eagle or Peregrine Falcon up on campus? I'm always amazed at the variety of species in this area. It's too bad campus is so busy that you rarely get to run in to anything interesting between classes. For example, I've only ever seen California Quail and Steller's Jays once each, and both times it was in the evening around Oakes.
I've definately seen Golden Eagles on campus. They usually hang all around the village and the farm area and easiest to run into (sometimes on a daily basis) during spring quarter. They are attracted to that specific area due to the dense ground squirrel population. That area of campus is one of the best sources for Golden Eagles in the Central/Northern parts of California.
I have seen a Peregrine Falcon on campus but it was not wild. A college eight core/environmental studies professor mastered falconry and provides rehab for Peregrine's and he did a demo one day right behind Oakes. It was absolutely one of the most beautiful sights of my life. The speed at which even this domesticated Peregrine was flying at took my breath away. After flying around for us it got treated with some frozen Quail, haha.
Speaking of California Quail, I used to see them roam around College 8 my Freshmen year, but didn't really see them elsewhere. If you take West Road from the Nothern Remote parking lot and walk for about 3 or 4 minutes you will run into a Chaparral patch. If you snoop around enough I'm sure you will see a group of them lurking in and out of the shrubbery.
One of the places I Steller Jay's the most on campus is right on the Pine trees next to the outdoor dining area at Porter. There has been some kind of construction going on there lately so I'm sure they haven't been hanging out there much lately. If you go up to that Chaparral patch up West Road like I mentioned above you should be able to run into them there.
Steller Jay's come through my backyard in the morning too. They would always fucking wake me up towards the end of the summer and the first half of this quarter. I'm not complaining though because most of the time it was a nice way to wake up!
Anyways, if you want to know anything else about specific birds on campus I'd be glad to help. I volunteer at the Natural History Museum on campus too if you ever want to check out our collections. We have a shit ton of birds.
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